About me:

Social media has taken healthcare for a ride, with 'influencers' giving health tips that have no basis in science. All is fun and games until one of us ends up with a serious health issue from following such advice.

Hi, I’m Dr. Amulya, an Ayurvedic Physician specializing in Panchakarma. When my friends and family would share links to internet advice and ask me if they could follow it, or when my clients approached me with health issues caused by following social media fads I realized I needed to do something about this.

That is the reason I started this website: to debunk health trends that lack evidence, provide the latest scientific information on health, and share the rediscovered knowledge of Ayurveda in a simple, accessible way.

You can read my blogs here, and if you have any questions or would like to discuss your health, feel free to get in touch here.